Indian telecom operators have posted gross revenue of Rs 57,827 crore, registering a drop of 12.86 percent year on year and 0.98 percent quarter on quarter, in the September quarter of 2018, the latest TRAI report said.
Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) of Indian telecom operators declined 1.12 percent year on year and 13.26 percent quarter on quarter.
Average revenue per user (ARPU) of telecom operators based on AGR declined to Rs 72.50 in September quarter of 2018 from Rs 73.34 in June quarter of 2018.
Reliance Jio has posted average gross revenue of Rs 8,271.85 (+16.08 percent) from access services, Vodafone Idea Rs 7,528.37 crore (–8.49 percent), Bharti Airtel Rs 6,720.88 crore (–1.31 percent) and BSNL Rs 1,925.33 (–15.32 percent) during the second quarter of fiscal 2018-19.
India Internet market
India has a total wireless subscriber base of 1,169.29 million (+1.99 percent) including 647.70 million in urban areas and 521.59 million in rural areas.
India has Internet subscriber base of 560.01 million (+9.3 percent) including 481.7 million broadband subscribers. India has 538.76 million wireless Internet subscribers and 21.25 million wired Internet subscribers.
Internet penetration in India was 42.87.
India has 365.94 million Internet subscribers in urban locations and 194.07 million in rural areas.
Total wireless data usage increased from 10,418,076 terabytes in June quarter to 15,549,891 terabytes during September 2018. 2G data usage was 113,445 terabytes, 3G data usage was 1,461,827 terabyte and 4G data usage was 10,914,498 terabytes.
Bharti Airtel has 347.52 million (–1 million) subscribers as compared with Vodafone Idea’s 435.22 million (–8.35 million), Reliance Jio’s 252.25 million (+37 million) and BSNL with 124.69 million (–0.31 million).
Vodafone Idea has 230.56 million subscribers in rural India against with Airtel’s 171.33 million, Reliance Jio’s 80.83 million and BSNL’s 38.79 million.
Reliance Jio has 45.04 percent share in Indian ISP market as compared with Vodafone Idea’s 25.02 percent, Airtel’s 22.67 percent and BSNL’s 5.11 percent.
Atria Convergence has 1,363,593 broadband subscribers for 0.24 share, while Hathway Cable & Datacom has 766,220 subscribers for 0.14 share.
India has 1,169.29 million subscribers at the end of September 2018, registering 1.99 percent increase over the previous quarter and 1.66 percent drop year on year.
Baburajan K