RigNet selects TeleMate Unified Call Management to manage its revenue


TeleMate.Net Software, a global provider of voice network
monitoring and Internet security solutions, announced that the TeleMate Unified
Call Management product was chosen as the network revenue management solution
of choice by RigNet.


As a global provider of remote communications services,
selected TeleMate as a technology partner for managing our voice communications
revenue because of their demonstrated success on a global scale,” said Morten
Hansen, vice president of Global Engineering and Operations.


RigNet is one of many businesses recognizing the
enhancements made by the recent release of TeleMate
Unified Call Management 6.0. In addition to traditional billing and invoice
management features, TeleMate provides enhanced functionality other solutions
lack, including real-time monitoring, trending of VoIP activities,
identification of security breaches, services disruptions, and traffic


RigNet’s selection of TeleMate illustrates our
increasing success. TeleMate brings outstanding features and capabilities to
the table. This deployment required a prompt and flawless implementation, with
a product and professional services that exceed RigNet’s expectations. I am
confident TeleMate has raised the bar for future technology purchases,” said
John O’Reilly, president, TeleMate.Net Software.


By Telecomlead.com Team


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