Norwegian mobile operator Telenor is planning to bid for 900 MHz spectrum in six telecom circles in India when they come up for renewal in 2015.
The Narendra Modi led BJP government is expected to conduct spectrum auction next year when the permits of Reliance Communications come up for renewal next year.
The strategy of Telenor is to enter the 3G business, a primary tool, to enhance revenue streams, said a report in Economic Times.
Telenor – through its 100 percent subsidiary Uninor – is planning to buy telecom license in circles such as Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Assam. Telenor will not be looking at the Himachal Pradesh telecom circle because it is not strategically fit for the global mobile operator.
The expansion of Telenor and interest in spectrum auction indicates that the 2015 renewal of license will generate business for the Union telecom ministry headed by Ravishankar Prasad.
For Jon Fredrik Baksaas, president and CEO of Telenor Group, India is an important market.
Telenor’s second quarter revenue growth of 1.6 percent to NOK 26.8 billion was supported by its solid performance operations in Sweden and Malaysia as well as growth in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India.
With around 34 million mobile subscribers, Uninor in February 2014 announced an investment of Rs 500 crore to expand its network & distribution infrastructure by 30 percent in its six operational circles.
Uninor is also re-deploying 5,000 telecom sites from closed down circles for geographical expansion in existing six circles.
Baburajan K