National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) has shared its response to the TRAI consultative paper on regulatory framework for OTT services.
R Chandrashekhar, president, NASSCOM, said: “Net neutrality creates an open and level playing field that facilitates innovation, adoption and inclusion. The other key priority is the proliferation of an affordable telecom infrastructure. These essential building blocks of the digital revolution are not contradictory and can and need to be synergised.”
NASSCOM on Net neutrality
# Universal principles of net neutrality, access for all and leveraging Internet for development growth should be upheld.
# Given the variety of definitions worldwide, it is important to recognise that unfettered user right of making an informed choice in deciding access to content is the bedrock of Net Neutrality.
# There should be no roadblocks to rapid adoption of ICT enabled models and innovation that are expected to drive the Digital revolution in the country. .
# No rights/discretion to TSPs to effectively – censor/block legal content; to throttle lawful internet traffic; determine how users use internet in the form of “normal net management or commercial practices”.
# Level playing field for internet platforms and services, especially entrepreneurial start ups
# Prioritization of Emergency or any other services as prescribed by the regulator accompanied by public declaration and without price discrimination
# Clear and declared definition of acceptable technical practices by TSPs for management of network traffic in conformity with above principles
# No double dipping by Telecom Service Providers (charging for data from both consumer and application/platform provider)
# Security restrictions as required for ensuring reliable services and lawful demand of security agencies.
It is also important to dispel the myth that Internet Platforms and Services (OTT services) are currently not regulated. The Information Technology Act and its different rules pertaining to intermediaries and interception are applicable to Internet Platforms and Services, as also Code of Criminal Procedure, IPC etc.
Earlier, COAI (Cellular Operators Association of India) reaffirmed its support to Net Neutrality and made a strong pitch for Net Equality that will enable access to Internet for a Billion Indians as part of the Government’s Digital India vision.