How Calix empowers broadband marketers to execute campaigns

Calix has introduced updates to its cloud-based platform, empowering broadband marketers to execute highly effective campaigns and boost revenue.
gigabit broadbandThe Calix Marketing Cloud (Marketing Cloud) grants broadband service providers (BSPs) easy access to valuable marketing intelligence. With enhanced automation in the Marketing Cloud, BSPs can identify subscribers who require service upgrades, and through seamless integration with Mailchimp, they can promptly engage with those subscribers.

Cambridge Telephone Company (CTC), based in Idaho, leveraged the Marketing Cloud and Mailchimp to execute campaigns, resulting in a remarkable 25 percent increase in customer lifetime value within six months.

The newly introduced Calix Web Builder, incorporated into the Calix Market Activation program, allows broadband marketers to create visually stunning campaign web pages within minutes, saving significant costs associated with web development. These innovations on the Calix platform provide broadband marketers with all the tools they need to swiftly launch highly effective campaigns that drive revenue growth.

Calix has enhanced the capabilities of the Marketing Cloud, enabling marketers to adopt a simple model for planning and executing fully integrated omnichannel campaigns. These latest updates are available to Calix-partnered BSPs in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and they simplify revenue generation while enhancing subscribers’ experiences.

BSPs can leverage automated workflows to launch successful service upgrade campaigns rapidly. The Marketing Cloud identifies subscribers reaching their service limits and triggers an automated workflow in Mailchimp, enabling broadband marketers to swiftly initiate service upgrade campaigns, improving efficiency even for small teams. The results are enhanced subscriber experiences, reduced churn, and increased revenue.

Campaign performance can be further improved with the enhanced campaign monitoring and tracking capabilities of the Marketing Cloud. These updates provide even the smallest broadband marketing teams with easy campaign tracking, including a new campaign audience filter and the ability to explore analytics for existing campaigns.

Calix has introduced a website builder as part of the Market Activation program. The website builder offers over 20 pre-built pages and more than 10,000 designs to choose from, empowering BSPs to create beautiful, high-quality web pages in minutes without requiring coding expertise.

Guided by Calix Customer Success Services, CTC ran a series of marketing campaigns promoting service tier upgrades for new managed services. Specifically, CTC introduced subscribers to ProtectIQ, a home network protection service, and ExperienceIQ, offering advanced network controls.

By leveraging the Marketing Cloud and Mailchimp, CTC achieved remarkable results, including a click-through rate over 10 times the industry average and a 12 percent conversion rate for their service upgrade campaign. Additionally, CTC experienced a staggering 174 percent growth in subscribers benefiting from ProtectIQ and ExperienceIQ within a year.

Chad Albright, the marketing director at CTC, said increased automation for service upgrade campaigns, combined with time-saving access to pre-made assets in the Market Activation program, will further enhance his team’s ability to drive revenue growth and improve subscribers’ experiences.

Matt Collins, chief commercial operations officer at Calix, emphasized the impact of the new web page builder, enabling BSPs to create visually appealing creative assets customized to their own brand. This customization allows BSPs to effectively communicate the exceptional value they provide to their subscribers and communities.


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