Essential Energy delivered over 10MWh clean power to telecom towers

Essential Energy
Essential Energy has delivered over 10MWh of clean power to telecom towers in India. The clean energy project, which will run for ten years, saved more than 55 tons of CO2 emissions.

Essential Energy, the distributed power and generation company, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK listed Intelligent Energy Holdings.

The company generated clean power from the initial selected fuel cells operating in the field since the Rs 12,000 crore deal with telecom infrastructure vendor GTL to provide power to telecom towers, was announced on 1 October 2015.

Essential Energy purchased contracts from GTL to supply energy management services to over 27,400 telecom towers and will phase out and replace diesel generators with clean hydrogen powered fuel cells over the next 10 years.

Essential Energy has demonstrated energy availability of nearly 100 percent at the sites.

Peter Brown, managing director of Essential Energy India, said: “We have demonstrated that our fuel cell technology can provide more efficient, cleaner power in challenging remote areas.”

Intelligent Energy is deploying its 305 modular fuel cell systems in India to provide the power. The modular 305 fuel cell unit can be monitored remotely using Intelligent Energy’s remote asset monitoring technology (AMBIS) to optimize performance and operation through real-time system data analysis.

Hydrogen fuel cells are proving to be more efficient and cleaner and can be more economical on a total cost of ownership basis than diesel generators.


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