Telecom Lead India: Tikona Digital Networks has powered free Wi-Fi services at the Maharana Pratap Inter-State bus terminus (ISBT) in Delhi.
The Maharana Pratap (ISBT) operates bus services from Delhi and seven states.
Tikona Digital’s wireless broadband access enables commuters from surrounding states to browse at the terminus with Wi-Fi free of charge for the first 30 minutes.
Sridhar Krish, chief operating officer, Tikona Digital Networks, said: “This deployment will enable lakhs of commuters to browse internet during transit and experience Tikona’s next generation high speed secured wireless broadband.”
Tikona Digital Networks has 2.75 lakh subscribers in 25 cities. TDN has 40,000 outdoor wireless access points across the country making it world’s largest outdoor Wi-Fi network provider.
Meanwhile, Indian Railways invested Rs 6.3 crore to offer free Wi-Fi services as a pilot project on Howrah Rajdhani Express. Indian Railways decided for satellite communication link to the train and Wi-Fi connectivity to different coaches.
Presently this facility is being extended free of cost to the travelling passengers. The facility covers all the three rakes of Howrah Rajdhani Express. The satellite communication link is arranged through satellite hub facility, set up by Indian Railways.
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