Shipments of tablets and 2-in-1 devices will decrease 3.8 percent to 221.8 million units in 2015, said IDC.
“We’re seeing cellular-capable tablets and 2-in-1 devices experience important growth in certain parts of the world and we think this represents a huge opportunity for the entire tablet ecosystem,” said Jean Philippe Bouchard, research director, Tablets.
Cellular-capable tablets and 2-in-1 devices, which represent a small portion of the market now, are expected to grow in 2015 and beyond. This segment will grow at a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6 percent compared to Wi-Fi-only devices, which will have a negative five-year CAGR of 0.4 percent.
The share of small-screen tablets is expected to drop from 64 percent of the market in 2014 to 58 percent in 2015 and under 50 percent by 2019.
Ryan Reith, program director, Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers, said: “This illustrates the direct impact phablets are having on the market, as users with larger screen smartphones have tended to have less need for a tablet with a screen size comparable to their smartphone.”