Uninor, the telecom subsidiary of Telenor in India, today said it achieved 32 percent growth active Internet users.
The growth in Internet revenue was 42 percent in the first half of the current year, said Telenor.
Announcing the second quarter financial performance, Uninor said it added 2 million new mobile subscribers in the Indian telecom market.
Uninor achieved 11 percent organic ARPU growth and 46 percent organic revenue growth.
The telecom operator’s Capex (capital spending) was NOK 130 million in Q2 2014 against NOK 117 million in Q1 2014 and NOK 84 million in Q4 2013.
To improve network expansion, Uninor started redeploying 5,000 telecom sites. It added 1,325 new sites in the first half of 2014.