Telecom Lead Asia: Australian mobile operator Telstra has
introduced a new billing scheme, scrapping its earlier plans offered for new
mobile contracts over the past 12 months.
Under the new billing scheme, call costs have increased
10 percent, from 90c to 99c a minute, while connection fees have mounted from
35c to 40c for every call.
The operator is billing all mobile phone calls by the
minute, which means a 10-second call to leave a voicemail message will now cost
Speaking on the tariff hike, a Telstra spokeswoman said
the amount of time Australians spent on mobile phones had risen more than 40
per cent since mid-2010.
The operator, however, has introduced free calls at night
and weekends with some plans. The company expects these new plans will offset
the increase.
In addition to the tariff hike, the operator has reduced
the monthly data allowance on its cheapest $50 bring-your-own phone plan by
one-third. Now, the company offers 1GB instead of 1.5GB and from 1.5GB instead
of 2GB on its $60 plan.
The company said that customers can buy separately before
the limit was reached.
The traffic on Telstra’s wireless network was doubling
every 12 months. We’ve found the vast majority of our mobile customers don’t
use their full data allowances,” the spokesperson said.
The operator affirms that its call rates are competitive
that allows it to maintain an appropriate level of investment in our network.
Telstra chalks out telecom network roll out strategies
Recently, Telstra said its network and Capex strategies
will evolve around spectrum assets, network design planning and new
technologies including network and content optimization solutions.