Alcatel-Lucent signs managed services deal with Uninor

Telecom Lead Asia: Telenor’s Telewings Communications has picked up Alcatel-Lucent for offering managed and transformation services in 3 circles — Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh circles.

Recently, Telenor said it would increase capital spending (Capex) for 2013 after finalizing Uninor’s license agreement in India. Uninor, which shuts down operations in Mumbai, did not submit for bid for 2G spectrum for the metro circle.

On 14 November 2012, Telewings secured GSM spectrum licenses for INR 40 billion (approx. NOK 4.4 billion) in 6 of the former 13 circles in which Uninor had mobile operation.

Alcatel-Lucent — which earlier said it would exit from some of the managed services in the world — will deploy established standards-based network performance tools and expertise to improve and transform existing networks.

Hilde Tonne, EVP Group Industrials Development Telenor Group, said: “The partnership establishes a platform for further innovative operating models in India and for taking those learnings and practices in other markets across the Group.”

Bell Labs, the research organization within Alcatel-Lucent, will provide expertise on network and business modeling to achieve Telewing’s transformational objectives.

Yogesh Malik, COO, Telewings, said: “Uninor has been continuously challenging traditional operating models since launch of our services, especially the boundaries between our partners. We believe that thinking beyond traditional managed services, working together in a transformational partnership set-up will bring continuous innovation and deliver better services to our end-consumers.”


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