Keysight intros 120 GBd BERT solution for validating chip deployment

Keysight has introduced a new 120 Giga Baud (GBd) Bit Error Ratio Test (BERT) solution (M8050A) for validating chip deployments of up to 120 GBd for 1.6T market.
Keysight Bit Error Ratio Test SolutionDigital development and senior validation engineers​ face challenges such as higher loss and distortions when moving from 112 Gbps per lane to 224 Gbps per lane. The new M8050A is designed to overcome these challenges with high signal integrity enabling more test margin.

Keysight’s new M8050A BERT delivers application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) technology designed by Keysight to optimize the design to the requirements of the instrument.​

Keysight’s Infiniium 80 GHz UXR oscilloscope as an acquisition-based Error-Analyzer in combination with M8050A, provides a comprehensive bit error ratio tester up to 120 GBd that supports non return to zero (NRZ) and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) 4, as well as PAM 6/8, which is likely required in 1.6T environment.

“From fully automated dark factories, closed loop digital twins to the metaverse, today’s applications and services generate vast amounts of artificial intelligence workloads. New electrical and optical designs are required to handle these workloads and make progress towards sustainability, achieving climate goals,” said Dr. Joachim Peerlings, vice president and general manager of Keysight’s Network and Data Center business.

The Keysight M8000 Series is a highly integrated bit error ratio (BER) test solution for physical layer characterization, validation, and compliance testing. With support for a wide range of data rates and standards, the M8000 Series provides accurate, reliable results that accelerate your insight into the performance margins of high-speed digital devices.


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