Coriant, Orange break transmission record with 762 kms reach

Telecom service provider Orange has achieved transmission reach of 762 kilometers using 32QAM modulation (32 Tbps) and 64QAM (38.4Tbps) in a live networking environment, more than twice the distance of any previous field records for 32QAM.

The result of the multi-terabit field trial showcasing the latest advances in optical communications technologies was revealed by Coriant, a supplier of SDN-enabled transport networking solutions.

Coriant and Orange also demonstrated the highest ever C-band transmission capacity using 16QAM (24 Tbps) and 64QAM (38.4 Tbps) modulation formats in the same live networking environment.

Orange and Coriant conducted the field trial across a live G.652 fiber link in the Orange transport infrastructure connecting the cities of Lyon and Marseille in France.
Coriant said that the error-free transmission speeds and distances were achieved using high-order modulation techniques, next-generation Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms and Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes developed by Coriant and
Coriant’s flexi-rate prototype technologies.

The trial, which took place in May, also marked the first ever demonstration of terabit super-channel transmission across a live network in France, as well as the first ever field demonstration of full flexi-rate and flexi-grid transmission – ranging from QPSK to 64QAM.

These test scenarios included a mix of transmission speeds and modulation formats such as QPSK, 8QAM, 16QAM, 32QAM, and 64QAM. The flexi-rate applications demonstrated during the field trial were enabled by commercially-viable prototype technologies and Coriant CloudWave Optics.

“Our collaboration with Orange in the SASER Project with all the SASER partners has played an important role in advancing the state of research in these key technologies, while laying the groundwork for continued innovation in Coriant’s current and future product portfolio, including our CloudWave-enabled 400G flexi-rate offering,” said Uwe Fischer, chief technology officer of Coriant.

Baburajan K


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