Best language learning apps for your smartphone

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is an indisputable plus for career advancement. But not everyone can set aside a few days a week for serious language learning. Mobile language applications for kids come to the rescue for those who are very busy, allowing you to study at any convenient time and anywhere.
Smartphone and language learning apps


Despite its image of service for those who are just starting to learn English, LinguaLeo offers ample opportunities for those who have already mastered the language of Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Steve Jobs to a sufficient extent. Entrepreneurs will undoubtedly be interested in the built-in “Business English,” which contains an intensive grammar course, a business correspondence course, and business, accounting, and finance materials.


Last year, Duolingo won “Best Educational App” twice. At first, the service was highly rated by Apple, and a little later, it confirmed its status on Google Play when the number of downloads exceeded one million in the first three weeks after the release. The Russified version offers only two languages ​​for learning – English, and German. But if you choose English as the base language, the number of available languages ​​will grow to six.

British Council

In addition to the exchange of cultural values, one of the main tasks of the British Council is to help learn English. For those who have no time to go to courses and study with a teacher, there is an impressive selection of 13 mobile applications. The British Council recommends learning a language through games, podcasts, movies, and quizzes.

The interactive grammar book Learn English Grammar is designed for different levels of English proficiency: from beginner to advanced. IELTS Wordpower has over 100 questions in 11 categories to help you prepare for the exam.

My Word Book offers vocabulary building with flashcards that you can fill in with your own words, notes, and pictures to make learning easier.


The Babbel audience has more than 15 million users, including such significant figures as German Chancellor Angela Merkel. With this service, you can learn 14 languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Indonesian, Norwegian, Danish, and Russian.

Some materials are available without payment, but you have to pay monthly for complete access, depending on the selected package.

The language course contains several levels for beginners and advanced students, thematic collections of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, a section on the country’s cultural traditions, and additional materials that allow you to learn more about idioms and false friends of the translator.


Busuu is not just a language learning app. Still, a whole community of people helping each other acquire new knowledge and master English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, and Chinese.

Free membership includes vocabulary, reading and writing exercises, and interactive exams. The premium subscription offers access to grammar lessons, audio recordings, video lessons, special travel training, discounts on the business course, and unlimited access to all materials for learning various foreign languages.


Memrise is not just a language learning service. In addition, the site has courses on various topics: art and literature, mathematics and science, memory training, profession and career, and many others. Memrise is hardly a classic learning app; instead, it is a collection of courses for all occasions. For example, in the category “English,” you can find grammar tests, groups of irregular verbs, phrasal verbs, and books by Charles Dickens in the original.

To facilitate memorization, the service offers various mnemonic rules and striking illustrations. The interface deserves special mention. The developers compare the learning process to growing flowers in a garden: it is not enough to throw seeds into the ground (learn a word). From time to time, they need to be watered (refreshed) so that they do not “wither” in memory.


For those who have already learned grammar but want to expand their vocabulary, we can recommend FunEasyLearn. The application does not have a stylish design and works only with Android, but the learning methodology is worthy of the highest rating. To securely fix 6000 words in memory (that’s how many each course contains), seven types of different exercises have been developed using other learning mechanisms. That is why I am trying this app!


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