South African municipality deploys Alvarion’s BreezeNET B solution to connect six offices

Telecom Lead Africa: The Municipality of Nama Khoi, South Africa has deployed Alvarion’s BreezeNET B solution to connect six municipality offices.

Alvarion’s BreezeNET B solution will enable the municipality to offer critical data and transactional activity in real-time and create an infrastructure to support additional services while saving operating costs.

The Nama Khoi Municipality in the Northern Cape does not enjoy conventional telecommunications infrastructure. Extreme temperatures and adverse conditions in the Northern Cape create a major challenge for wireless networks.

“The connectivity we’re experiencing with Alvarion’s network is so reliable and fast, there are times when I actually forget that we’re running a wireless solution,” said Brandon Love, chief technology officer, Nama Khoi Municipality. “Thanks to the care taken in scoping the project and choosing a solution that was proven in the region, our previous difficulties have been eliminated.”

BreezeNET B’s connectivity assists residents to purchase electricity, pay taxes and conduct their municipal business online without having to travel far distances either on foot or at considerable transport costs.

“We chose Alvarion’s wireless broadband equipment as it is acknowledged globally for its high performance capabilities and robustness,” said Dewald Booysen, chief technology officer, Dimension Data Advanced Infrastructure. “We knew Alvarion’s equipment would stand the harsh weather conditions as it has been tried, tested and deployed at many sites in Africa and is still working after many years in these conditions.”

Recently, Alvarion said the City of Cleburne, Texas, has installed a private wireless network for public safety connectivity.

“We are pleased we could provide the municipality with a wireless network that opens the door for a number of potential community improvement projects,” said Zeev Farkash, vice president of Sales at Alvarion. “This solution creates a firm foundation for Nama Khoi to pursue other cost containment initiatives that would otherwise be impossible without high-speed, reliable connectivity.”

According to a telecom news report in, Alvarion has deployed its wireless broadband solutions in 300 municipalities across 24 different states in Brazil. The Smart Cities project is assisting in offering applications include indoor and outdoor Internet access, classroom connectivity and e-learning, intelligent traffic and transportation control, video surveillance for public safety, online services for citizens and voice, video and data connectivity for government offices, hospitals and other service providers.



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