Telecom Lead Ecuador: Telecom industry body GSMA has welcomed Ecuador’s decision to promote 4G using digital dividend spectrum.
Last week the regulator in Ecuador, CONATEL, approved a resolution on the future adoption of 4G services in the country.
The GSMA said it welcomes the decision made by Ecuador to promote the deployment of 4G services by allocating the Digital Dividend spectrum to mobile broadband services. This spectrum has ideal characteristics to deliver coverage in rural areas and therefore provides a unique opportunity to offer innovative mobile broadband services to the previously unconnected.
Following earlier decisions by Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico, Ecuador has also now decided to adopt the Asia Pacific (APT) band plan for the allocation of the Digital Dividend. The GSMA recognises the importance of all countries in the region to work together towards spectrum harmonisation.
“This will deliver much-needed scale for mobile equipment manufacturers, resulting in lower prices for industry and consumers. Mobile broadband will thereby become even more accessible to more of the region’s citizens, generating significant social and economic benefits,” said GSMA in a statement.