Telecom Lead Africa: MiX Telematics, a global provider
driver safety, vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions, has launched
its new offering called MiX Track for the Asian market.
The company’s MiX Track is an ideal solution
for fleet operators looking to know the whereabouts of
their mobile assets without the complexity of a full fleet management system.
The solution places fleet tracking at the fingertips of
fleet operators and is effective for both small and large fleets.
MiX Track will be launched in Asia through collaborative
efforts with MiX Telematics’ Asian channel partners, namely LKW in Hong Kong,
Syseng in Singapore, DRM in Malaysia and CV Indoparts in Indonesia.
MiX Track enables local fleet operators to have direct
control over their fleet, helping them to improve customer service and reduce
costs by knowing with pinpoint accuracy where their drivers and vehicles are,”
said Charles Tasker, managing director of MiX Telematics International.
The MiX Track regional distribution network is expected
to grow notably over the next couple of months due to the rising need for
affordable and reliable fleet tracking technology.
The new solution features a ‘find nearest vehicle’
function, real-time tracking and location management are easy to use and
accessible 24/7 via the visually appealing MiX Track web interface.
The new solution will also allow the customers to keep
tabs on their vehicles when they’re out and about through the MiX Track mobile
application, available for a range of smartphones including iPhone, BlackBerry
and Android.
Working through a small onboard computer that is fitted
into each vehicle, MiX Track continuously transmits positional and other
information back to MiX Telematics’ secure servers.
Founded in 1995 MiX Telematics has offices in South
Africa, the United Kingdom, North America, Australia, the United Arab Emirates,
Qatar and Uganda, and works via an extensive global distribution network.
The company’s commercial customers include Parmalat,
Schlumberger, Chevron, Greyhound, Spar, De Lijn, Vectalia-Subus and