Keysight Technologies enhances VNAs for faster testing

Keysight Technologies has enhanced PNA and PNA-X Series microwave vector network analyzers (VNAs), effectively reducing test times by a factor of 10 t0 500 times.

The new capability adds a high-performance spectrum analyzer to these VNAs, the company said. It simplifies system connections and saves time by putting high-speed spurious measurements in the instrument used to characterize S-parameters, compression and distortion in satellite equipment, defense electronics and commercial wireless devices, the company said.

With the new high-performance spectrum analyzer capability, a Keysight PNA can perform fast spurious searches across a broad frequency band, improving test throughput by as much as 500 times compared to existing approaches. Measurement results are comparable to those obtained with today’s fastest, most sophisticated standalone spectrum or signal analyzers.


The VNA also can perform simultaneous spectrum measurements on all test ports. This unique, industry-first capability reduces design cycle time by enabling one-connection characterization of mixers, converters, amplifiers, modules or subsystems.

The system can be used to measure LO, RF and IF feedthrough; harmonics; intermodulation products; and other higher-order mixing products. In-fixture and on-wafer measurements gain the benefits of VNA calibration and de-embedding.

“The ability to make high-performance spectrum and network measurements in one instrument enables unparalleled insight into the device under test,” said Steven Scheppelmann, PNA marketing manager for Keysight’s Component Test Division.

“By replacing a switch matrix and standalone spectrum analyzer, this innovation also addresses the increasingly important need to reduce the size of component-characterization test systems,” Scheppelmann added.

The spectrum analyzer capability is available now starting at $15,000 for an 8.5 GHz PNA-X and $30,000 for a 26.5 GHz PNA or PNA-X.


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