Telecom Lead India: The Center has filed presidential
reference in Supreme Court seeking its opinion on various issues arising from 2G
judgment including whether all natural resources need to be mandatorily
The reference signed by President Pratibha Patil raises 8 questions including
one on the fate of those entities who have acquired 3G licences but their 2G
licence have been cancelled by the apex court.
Can the presidential reference note bring cheers?
Presidential reference note includes key questions on the
fate of the Indian telecom industry in the wake of the cancellation of 122
licenses to run 2G services. The telecom industry hopes that the government’s
strategy to sort out the 2G spectrum tangle can bring cheers to the sector.
The President asked the SC’s opinion on the permissible
scope of judicial interference in policy domain of government including the
methods of disposal of natural resources.
The presidential reference wants to know from the SC the fate of investments,
including FDI ,if a policy decision of the government is cancelled by the
The government is seeking clarity on the apex court’s 2G judgment through the
The Supreme Court had earlier refused to review its judgment which cancelled 2G
licences and rejected government’s policy of first-come-first-serve basis to
give away spectrum.
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