Agilent and China Academy of Telecommunication to work on TD-LTE MIMO over-the-air test research

Telecom Lead America: Agilent Technologies and China Academy of Telecommunication Research have agreed to work together on TD-LTE MIMO over-the-air (OTA) test research.

Agilent Technology TD-LTE MIMO(source:

The MIMO OTA standard for TD-LTE is one of the standards that CATR is driving for the wireless industry across the globe.

Customers of Agilent and stakeholders of the TD-LTE industry will benefit from this initiative.

Agilent and CATR will focus their collaboration on MIMO OTA standardization using TD-LTE MIMO OTA two-stage test method.

Their researchers plan to develop a two-stage MIMO OTA test system in CATR’s OTA lab and perform the measurements using the two-stage test method based on Agilent instruments.

Moreover, CATR will provide support and access to their test chamber resources and expertise, providing Agilent researchers in the Beijing research lab an opportunity to develop the OTA test techniques and methods.

The teams have agreed to conduct the research jointly in the CATR test lab. The plan is to then submit the research results to standard groups such as 3GPP, CTIA, and CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) as proposals for new and more effective test approaches and procedures. In addition, CATR (TMC) and Agilent plan to publish the MIMO OTA research results jointly during international conferences and through trade or industry associations.


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