By Telecom Lead Team: The Ethernet Alliance
announced that Technology Exploration Forum (TEF) 2012 will feature 14
industry experts, high-level executives, and chief technology officers with
unique perspectives on Ethernet and its role in their networks.
The Ethernet Alliance said that TEF 2012 is designed
to allow the end user community to share their Ethernet experiences with the
Ethernet developer community.
This interactive gathering of professionals will focus on
the future needs of Ethernet as information technology evolves over the next
TEF 2012 – The End Users Speak! is designed to
allow the end user community to share their Ethernet experiences with the
Ethernet developer community. We are looking forward to lively discussions
about Ethernet network architectures and application requirements to help
determine what end-users need from Ethernet for their networks,” said John
D’Ambrosia, chair, Ethernet Alliance board of directors.
TEFs are an ongoing series of forums sponsored by the
Ethernet Alliance to enable industry discussion and consensus building on
various topics.
The Ethernet Alliance organizes a TEF when it sees a need
for members of the Ethernet ecosystem to come together and communicate with
each other about the continuing evolution of Ethernet and its potential impact
on Ethernet standards and technology.
At the TEF 2012, the first panel will discuss Ethernet in
Future Data Centers. The second panel will focus on Ethernet and the Heart of
the Internet and the last panel will address The Role of Power in Networks
The TEF will be held on February 16 at Techmart in Santa
Clara, CA.
The Ethernet Alliance is a global consortium
dedicated to the continued success and advancement of Ethernet technologies.
A few months back, The
Ethernet Alliance announced its successful Energy Efficient Ethernet
subcommittee interoperability plugfest for products designed to support IEEE
Std. 802.3azTM 2010 Energy Efficient Ethernet.