Airvana is leading the femtocell market in Q2 2011. The company has overtaken Cisco/ip.access and Alcatel-Lucent to take the lead in overall femtocell market share in Q2 2011, according to Infonetics Research.
Total global revenue from femtocells used in consumer, enterprise, rural and public spaces increased 18 percent quarter-over-quarter (Q1 2011 to Q2 2011).
According to Infonetics, the global 2G, 3G, and 4G femtocell market to grow to $2.98 billion by 2015.
Sales of 4G (LTE and WiMAX) femtocells are expected to excel rapidly once they begin shipping, but will be modest compared to 3G femtocells for some years.
We anticipate that femtocells will gain mass-scale traction in 2012, at which point the year-over-year unit growth rate will jump to over 100 percent, and will stay at triple-digit levels in 2013,” said Richard Webb, directing analyst for microwave and small cells at Infonetics Research.
Global femtocell revenue grew 40 percent from Q2 2010 to Q2 2011. The market is accelerating and has started to achieve scale over the past 12 months. The potential future scale of the femtocell market offers excitement to the industry.
The global adoption of mobile phones and explosion of data-driven mobile devices suggests a growing role for femtocells in supporting coverage and capacity requirements.
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