Aircel revenue drops 52% in Q4 fiscal 2017

Aircel India
Aircel recorded adjusted gross revenue (AGR) of Rs 1360.75 crore in Q4 fiscal 2017 against Rs 2846.89 crore in Q3, registering decrease of 52.02 percent.

Aircel has a wireless subscriber base of 90.90 million (+4.38 percent year on year and +0.03 percent quarter on quarter) in fiscal 2017.

Aircel’s wireless market share fell to 7.61 percent in March 2017 from 7.89 percent in December 2016.

Aircel has 31.86 million subscribers in India, commanding rural mobile market share of 6.35 percent.

Aircel has 17727940 wireless Internet users, accounting for 4.2 percent market share in the India mobile Internet space.

Aircel quality of services

TRAI’s quality of service (QoS) report for Aircel is not encouraging for mobile subscribers.

2G services

Aircel achieved 4.47 percent in North East in BTSs Accumulated downtime (not available for service) against TRAI benchmark of 2 percent.

Aircel showed 7.30 percent in Assam, 5.55 percent in Jammu & Kashmir and 28.47 percent in North East in worst affected BTSs due to downtime against TRAI’s benchmark of 2 percent.

Aircel has achieved 90.60 percent in Assam in Call Set-up Success Rate (within licensee’s own network) against TRAI’s benchmark of +95 percent.

Aircel noted 6.79 percent in Assam and 4.46 percent in Bihar for TCH Congestion against TRAI benchmark of 2 percent.

In worst affected cells having more than 3 percent TCH drop (call drop), Aircel’s performance in Assam was 13.66 percent, Bihar 8.76 percent, Delhi percent, 4.13 percent, Himachal Pradesh 8.58 percent, Jammu & Kashmir 8.80 percent, Kerala 3.63 percent, Mumbai 3.95 percent,North East 14.23 percent, Orissa 4.45 percent, Tamil Nadu 4.05 percent and West Bengal 8.14 percent against TRAI’s benchmark of 3 percent.

Aircel achieved 92.43 percent in Assam in terms of connection with good voice quality against TRAI benchmark of 95 percent.

Aircel customers faced accessibility of call centre / customer care issues in Bihar with 93.96 percent, Delhi 82.74 percent and Karnataka 91.05.


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