Telecom network vendor Huawei on Thursday said Vodafone Egypt will deploy the Huawei Active Antenna Unit (AAU) solution to build mobile broadband (MBB) network.
The Chinese telecom equipment supplier claims that Huawei AAU solution assists to reduce base station site space by up to 75 percent in comparison to traditional site solutions. AAU solutions support both high and low frequency bands.
Huawei AAU protects operators’ Capex by supporting future LTE evolution with no additional antenna deployment needed.
Osama Said, CTO of Vodafone Egypt, said: “Huawei AAU solution fits our demands. This solution will make our site resource more efficient and reduce the site complexity which will put Vodafone Egypt ahead of other carriers in Egypt.”
37 telecom operators in China, Canada, Russia, as well as other countries in Europe and South America have trialed and commercially deployed the Huawei AAU solution.