GSMA revealed additional speakers for the 2017 Mobile 360 Series – Latin America – being held on 31 October – 2 November in Bogota, Colombia.
The telecom conference will highlight the latest technology trends and business models shaping the mobile industry across Latin America, including the Internet of Things, financial inclusion and mobile money, future networks and 5G.
Sponsors for Mobile 360 – Latin America include BICS, TigoUne, Amdocs and Huawei. Companies such as Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE, Cisco, IBM, HPE, among others are not part of the sponsor list though Latin America is a key focus area.
Additional speakers
Minister David Luna, Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, Republic of Colombia
Luis Malvido, Executive Director HISPAM South, Telefonica
Minor Samayoa, CEO, Digicel El Salvador
Carlos Rozo, Director General,
Andres Quintero, Colombia Country Manager, Ericsson
Mariano Amartino, LATAM Startups Director, Microsoft
Rachel Samren, EVP, Chief External Affairs Officer, Millicom
Rodrigo Diehl, EVP, Chief Strategy Officer, Millicom
Osvaldo di Campli, Latin America President, Nokia
Martin Wessel, Head of Technology Evolution, Telecom Personal Argentina
Leslie Jarrin, Managing Director – Ecuador, ThoughtWorks
Belen Sanz, Permanent Representative, UN Women Colombia
Other speakers
Edgar Salas, CEO, AZLOGICA
Paulo César Teixeira, CEO, Claro Brasil
Michael O’Hara, Chief Marketing Officer, GSMA
Sebastian Cabello, Head of Latin America, GSMA
Mauricio Ramos, CEO, Millicom
Marcelo Cataldo, CEO, Tigo Colombia
Bibiana Aido, Permanent Representative, UN Women Ecuador and Former Minister for Equality in Spain
Speakers at Spectrum and Policy Forum
Daniel Bernal Salazar, Deputy Chair, Director of Regulatory Affairs, America Movil
Santiago Pardo, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Relations, America Movil
Martha Suarez, Director General, ANE Colombia
Oscar Leon, Executive Secretary, CITEL
Mario Maniewicz, Deputy Director, International Telecommunication Union’s Radiocommunication Bureau
Alejandro Quiroga Lopez, Directror Legal and Public Affairs, Telecom Argentina
Jose Juan Haro, Director for Regulatory Affairs and Wholesale Business Latin America, Telefonica
Mobile Ecosystem Supporting the SDGs
Jeffrey Villaveces, Head of the Colombia Information Management and Analysis Unit
Wilmer Caripe, Head of Search and Assistant Partnerships, LATAM, Google
Mauricio Arce León, Corporate Responsibility Manager Latin America, Millicom
Melanie Wilneder, Senior Key Account Manager, South Pole Group
Marcelo Ber, Business & Children’s Rights Focal Point, UNICEF Latin America