Bharti Airtel announced the appointment of Amrita Padda as Chief People Officer with effect from 1 October, 2021.
Amrita Padda will be responsible for Airtel’s People strategy as the company transforms into a digital services provider of choice.
Amrita takes over from Samit Deb, who has decided to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities outside of Airtel. Amrita Padda will report to Gopal Vittal, MD and CEO, Bharti Airtel.
Amrita has work experience of over two decades with Hindustan Unilever, where she has handled the entire spectrum of Human Resources roles. Most recently, she was the Chief People Officer for Unilever Marketplace, their newly set up global business unit to transform Distributive Trade.
In the past, she has also led Human Resources for Unilever Philippines and for their Global Procurement function. She has strong expertise in leading Human Resources transformation projects globally and has been a pioneer of new initiatives at Unilever.