Huawei in fiber network monitoring system deal with OpEn Fiber

LazrSPEED 550 WideBand Multimode FiberHuawei Italy has bagged the tender from OpEn Fiber for supplying and installing the optical fiber network monitoring system for Enel, an electric power company in Italy.

After the partnership with OpEn Fiber (OF) in Perugia, Huawei continues to deploy the N2510 optical fiber link assurance systems in other 9 cities for OF.

Huawei N2510 intelligent optical fiber O&M solution helps OF to perform fast network acceptance tests and intelligent maintenance of FTTH fiber infrastructure networks. This improves the efficiency of service provisioning and fault diagnosis, reducing O&M TCO, and accelerating the construction of FTTH networks.

Enel, a state-owned electric power company in Italy, has established OpEn Fiber in December 2015 to undertake broadband constructions in compliance with the national ultra-broadband (UBB) strategy in Italy.

According to the national broadband project, OF plans to construct broadband networks in more than 250 provinces and cities in 5 years — covering 9.5 million users.

Huawei N2510 optical fiber intelligent assurance solution provides fast ODN acceptance capabilities. The optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) function supports fast fault localization, precise fault diagnosis and proactive O&M. These capabilities allow the N2510 to meet the requirements for service assurance of different carriers.

Huawei N2510 has helped OF improve ODN acceptance efficiency and optical fiber O&M capabilities. Huawei has helped OF reduce overall TCO.

Nine carriers in Western Europe have selected Huawei N2510 to provide their line O&M solution.


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