Telecom Lead India: Brocade said its strategies for gaining market share in service provider business will revolve around delivering SuperCore Routing capabilities, building new SDN capabilities and Network Analytics at the software level.
Brocade’s strategies for service provider business are vital for the networking company. Brocade’s revenue from service provider business was up slightly quarter-over-quarter and down 5 percent year-over-year.
Brocade’s investments will focus on developing capabilities on Ethernet Fabrics, SDN, SuperCore Routing and Network Analytics.
SDN helps in network virtualization, programmatic control and cloud orchestration.
Dave Stevens, CTO and VP of Corporate Development at Brocade said multi-tenancy, resource flexibility, automation and orchestration, and real-time massive scalability are driving public Cloud provider data centers.
“More devices are coming. It will create additional pressure on network traffic. We are revolutionizing our products. We are focusing on innovation. We are involving students in our innovation. Brocade will focus on innovation to reduce complexities,” said Michael Klayko, CEO of Brocade.
Recently, Brocade said its Storage business revenue, including products and services, was $377.6 million, up 13 percent year-over-year and down 6 percent sequentially. Storage product revenue increased 17 percent year-over-year and decreased 6 percent sequentially. Brocade’s 16 Gbps Fibre Channel products represented nearly 30 percent of director and switch revenue in the quarter.
Ethernet business revenue, including products and services, was $177.8 million, up 5 percent year-over-year and up 24 percent quarter-over-quarter.
Meanwhile, Brocade launched switching platform called Brocade VDX 8770 Switch. The Brocade VDX 8770 is designed for telecom operators and enterprises to simplify and scale out their data center infrastructure.
Brocade claims that VDX 8770 enables customers to expand a single VCS fabric up to 8000 switch ports with up to 384,000 VMs attached to the fabric – 20 times the scalability of the leading competitor.
Brocade is also increasing its products range for enterprise segments. Brocade enterprise business revenue was up 2 percent year-over-year and up 21 percent quarter-over-quarter as the Brocade ICX products continue to ramp.
Baburajan K
from Brocade Technology Day Summit 2012, Sanfrancisco