Comtech Telecommunications will be showcasing its location, messaging and other wireless technology solutions at Mobile World Congress 2018 (MWC 2018).
ALSO READ: Latest news from Mobile World Congress 2018
Comtech processes more than 9.5 billion location-based services (LBS) transactions monthly. Comtech has expanded from the traditional E911, carrier LBS and mobile apps spaces into areas such as automotive, fleet, insurance, financial and IoT.
Comtech says at least 70 percent of IoT devices will require location-enabled capabilities, including stationary devices, such as drink and food coolers, that would not traditionally be associated with location-based data.
Comtech’s IoT location platforms provide access to end-to-end location functionalities for building solutions capable of locating and tracking any device indoors and outdoors, including low power, low cost devices.
Comtech’s marketing and engineering team will showcase Location Studio, IoT Location Platform, Indoor/Outdoor Location Services and Messaging Platforms and Services at the MWC 2018.