Mobile apps downloads will cross 89 billion by 2015



The mobile apps space is exploding and user numbers are
growing faster than anyone previously expected.


The mobile apps market growing from 18.4 billion app
downloads in 2011 to over 89 billion downloads in 2015, with annual revenues
set to grow to over USD $60 Billion over the same period, according to


Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are facing a variety of
threats from disruptive mobile applications and services including the
rapidly-growing demands of mobile video, social networking, mobile VoIP, bulk
discount messaging services and new evolving mobile payments all of which are
discussed in this report.


MNOs have turned to value-added services in order to
counter their falling voice ARPUs (Average Revenue per User) by increasing data


And with mobile applications and services currently
taking the mobile industry by storm and creating new opportunities, strategists
are witnessing a seismic shift towards a stronger mobile applications focus in
this quest to increase revenue. Certainly MNOs can ill afford to ignore these
apps and services.


After all, this innovative and this new league of apps
and services has attracted millions of users worldwide and has helped MNOs to
gain subscribers’ loyalty, and to also drive the next wave of subscriber


But MNOs need to be mindful of the long term
ramifications – including that emerging disruptive applications and services
ultimately threaten their key revenue generators: voice and SMS. Many of these
new apps and services are placing considerable demands on network capacity,
much of which is not consistent with generating increasing service revenues
from subscribers.


By Team


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