Telecom Lead Asia: RRsat Global Communications
Network, a provider of content management and global distribution services
to broadcasting industries, announced that its contract with THAICOM, an Asian
commercial satellite operator for the global distribution of the Vietnam
Television (VTV) channel has been extended.
“We are glad to continue serving, together with
THAICOM, our mutual long lasting customer VTV. Our state-of-the-art teleports
guarantee the quality delivery of the VTV channel to their end customers,” said
Lior Rival, deputy CEO and VP sales & marketing.
The VTV-4 channel is downlinked from THAICOM 5
Satellite to RRsat’s main teleport, Emek HaEla, and from there
uplinked to the Eutelsat Hot Bird Satellite for delivery to Europe, and
the Middle East.
“We are pleased that VTV has extended the contract
with THAICOM for global television service. THAICOM has broadcasted the
VTV-4 channel on its C-band Global beam for more than ten years. We have
provided a turnkey global broadcasting solution from Europe to America. We
would like to thank RRsat for its long term commitment and collaboration
with THAICOM. We look forward for more cooperation in the future,” said Komson
Seripapong, vice president of marketing and sales of RRsat Global
Communications Network.
The channel is delivered from Emek HaEla over
fiber to RRsat’s USA based teleport Hawley, Pennsylvania. From
the Hawley teleport, the content of the channel is uplinked to Galaxy 19
Satellite and Intelsat 805 Satellite, for distribution to North and South
THAICOM has been provided satellite services for 20 years
and Vietnam Television is the longest-running international customer on the
THAICOM fleet.
RRsat expands backup and disaster recovery services
Last year, RRsat Global Communications Network signed an
agreement with Spacecom, an operator of the AMOS satellite fleet, for
monitoring, backup and disaster recovery services.
As part of the agreement, RRsat acts as Spacecom’s
remote and mirror earth station for telemetry monitoring, tracking, and
commanding (TT&C) and In-Orbit Testing (IOT) operations for Spacecom’s
AMOS-5 satellite.