Telenor India has conducted trials and tests of Lean BCCH solutions, enabling the telecom operator to offer cost effective mobile broadband services to customers without any additional investment.
Lean BCCH is a technology standard designed to address spectrum scarcity and broaden the future of NB-IoT eco-system.
Telenor India, which conducted the trial on Lean BCCH in Barauch town of Gujarat with technology partner Huawei, noted up to 30 percent increase in spectrum efficiency after LEAN BCCH trial and the GSM KPIs are comparable even after re-farming of 1.4MHz spectrum out of 5MHz.
Lean BCCH along with LEAN GSM technology uses GPS-based synchronization and advanced intelligent interference control management based on real time network conditions.
The Lean BCCH solution can help telecom industry in preparing their spectrum re-farming strategies and on ground implementation. This solution can enable operators to deploy NB-IoT applications like smart parking, smart metering, water meter, gas meter, electric meter, or even tracking kids or path tracking among others.
“By adopting industry leading technologies and encouraging innovation, we along with our partners are extracting higher efficiencies from existing resources without compromising on the quality of service,” said Tanveer Mohammad, COO of Telenor India.
Jay Chen, CEO of Huawei India said the deployment of Huawei’s Lean BCCH solution is an important milestone in the progress towards digitization.