Telecom Lead Asia: IEEE, the world’s largest professional
association, has approved the IEEE P802.22b amendment project for enhanced
broadband services and monitoring applications.
With this approval, the IEEE 802.22 working group
proposes to bring wireless technologies and applications to rural and
under-served areas around the world.
The IEEE 802.22 Working Group has also established Task
Group b for executing the activities for this amendment Project Authorization
The new PAR will work to enhance the IEEE 802.22-2011
standard capabilities to accommodate a wide variety of applications using
cognitive radio technology in Television White Spaces.
The association will accommodate applications for
providing standard capabilities. These application include long range and
regional area smart grid, critical infrastructure monitoring, triple play
services like providing voice, video and data, backhaul for broadband access,
offloading cellular telephony traffic, regional area public safety and homeland
security networks, emergency broadband services, monitoring rain forests,
monitoring livestock, and border protection etc.
IEEE P802.22b Task Group is making calls for contribution
from interested participants for the development of this standard. The group
begins work on this project from the March IEEE 802 plenary session.
In January,
IEEE announced 12 top consumer electronics trends in 2012, as defined by
leading IEEE technical experts in the industry.