Claro is working with fonYou to deliver AI-powered, personalized offerings to its customers, resulting in increased revenues for the carrier.
Claro has up to 24 million customers in Ecuador and Central America that covers Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
fonYou’s iCarrier identifies customer-originated calls with insufficient credit to deliver an optimal offer in real-time. Customers can complete calls by means of collect calls, financed micro-bundles, or credit card top-ups, which leads to increased customer satisfaction while securing revenue for Claro.
fonYou’s iCarrier has been processing millions of voice calls originated by Claro’s customers via its AI platform. It analyzes the customer context such as who they are calling and time of day – as well as past purchasing behavior to assess risk and determine if an offer should be made.
fonYou’s iCarrier – run on an automated process — assists Claro to predict the response to available options in order to assess and offer the suitable product to its wireless customers. fonYou’s iCarrier is assisting Claro to generate revenue from several thousand additional paid calls each day.
fonYou said it will work with Claro to explore opportunities to digitize and automate the distribution of products and services in the region through additional revenue-generating services including financed calls or voice top-ups.
fonYou’s iCarrier platform uses machine learning algorithms and utilizes Google Cloud infrastructure for implementation. The platform employs tools for voice recognition and big data processing.
“Our iCarrier platform combines advanced analytics, machine learning and Cloud tools that allow Claro to deliver the right offer to the right customer at the right time,” Fernando Nunez Mendoza, CEO of fonYou, said.