FCC Chairman Ajit Pai today announced the setting up of Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC) to explore ways to accelerate deployment of Internet access in the U.S.
Brian Hurley will be federal officer, while and Paul D’Ari will be deputy federal officer of the broadband committee.
ALSO READ: Website on Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee
You can send nominations by e-mail to BDAC@fcc.gov. till February 15, 2017. FCC is planning to hold its first meeting of the new Committee during the spring of 2017.
“Access to broadband is increasingly critical for all Americans, no matter who they are or where they live,” said Chairman Pai. “It’s becoming the 21st-century gateway to jobs, health care, education, information, and economic development everywhere, from the smallest town to the largest city.”
BDAC will draft a model code for broadband deployment for the Commission’s consideration. This model code will cover topics like local franchising, zoning, permitting, and rights-of-way regulations. “Building, upgrading, and deploying broadband networks isn’t easy, and red tape often can make the task harder than it needs to be,” Ajit Pai said.
Many localities that have a strong interest in promoting a digital economy within their borders may not have the resources or expertise to develop and implement deployment-friendly policies.
Consumers pay the price in terms of less access to next-generation services. “Our hope is that with a model code approved by the FCC, one that any city could use as a template, the case for broadband deployment would be much easier,” Ajit Pai said.
The committee will focus on developing specific recommendations on how the FCC can encourage broadband deployment across America. Issues the committee will tackle include further reforms to the FCC’s pole attachment rules; identifying unreasonable regulatory barriers to broadband deployment; ways to encourage local governments to adopt deployment-friendly policies; and other reforms within the scope of the Commission’s authority.
Nominees for the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee will be drawn from a diverse set of stakeholders to address specific regulatory barriers to broadband deployment in both urban and rural areas. FCC is looking for applications from representatives of consumers and community groups, the communications industry, and federal, state, local, and Tribal officials.