Broadband access equipment revenue reaches $3.4 bn

Revenue for broadband access equipment revenue reached $3.4 billion, growing 8 percent in Q4 2018.
CityFiber broadband investment UKIncreased shipments of GPON OLTs and DOCSIS 3.1 CPE offset CCAP spending declines, according to Dell’Oro Group.

FTTH deployments showed strength. Both 2.5 Gbps GPON and 10 Gbps EPON equipment marked increases, particularly in China. The gains on the telco side helped to offset weakness in cable CCAP spending, as MSOs delay new capacity purchases, said Jeff Heynen, research director, Broadband Access and Home Networking.

Total DSL port shipments increased 16 percent, with VDSL ports increasing 13 percent and Gfast ports increasing 232 percent.

Total PON ONT unit shipments increased 6 percent, driven by strong demand for 2.5 Gbps. Total cable access concentrator revenues decreased 18 percent to $380 million, driven by a slowdown in CCAP license purchases in North America.

2.5 Gbps GPON, 10 Gbps EPON, and equipment spending increased in the fourth quarter of 2018.


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