Vodafone India’s sustainability report 2012

Telecom Lead Asia: Vodafone India’s sustainability report focuses on Pursuits, People, Products, Processes and Partnerships.

Highlights of Vodafone India’s sustainability report


Vodafone India says pursuits reflect the extent to which sustainable development practices have been embedded in the way we do things. From waste management, to green buildings, from efficient data centres to green networks, we are taking sustainability to the next level through our initiatives.

Key initiatives – ReSolve, Fast Forward, Green Building and Networks


People are at the center of Vodafone’s sustainability strategy. It invests in training and development and strive to build a safe and conducive work environment for them. We see our people as ambassadors of our values, and empower them to make a difference.

Key initiatives – Health Safety and Wellbeing, Streamlining HR function, Talent Management


Vodafone India utilizes technology and expertise to develop products that can contribute to the businesses becoming more sustainable as well as to the development of the society. Whether it is smart metering or asset tracking for the enterprises or education, banking and rural entrepreneurship or digital inclusion of individuals, we strive to make our products a means of empowerment.

Key initiatives – M2M Solutions, m-Education (Adult learning program), m-Health (e-Mamta)


Whether it is empowering our talent pool, collaborating to enhance our supply chain, or protecting customers from breach of security, we firmly believe that institutionalising effective processes and implementing them is essential to sustain any positive measure. In this section, we talk about processes that ensure smooth running of our operations, thereby making a difference to the value generated for our internal and external stakeholders.

Key initiatives – Reducing e-Waste footprint, Fraud Risk and Security, Legal and Regulatory Compliance, Efficient Supply Chain


Collaborating with our vendors and suppliers to design feasible, cost effective solutions, to associating with the non-governmental associations, we always believe in fostering sustainable partnerships. This stems from our belief that ‘what one can do well, two can do better’.

“I am happy to present ‘Footprints II’, our second Sustainability Report, to share the progress that we made in this endeavor across its various dimensions. We would like to be seen as the most respected and successful telecommunications company in India making meaningful contributions to the socio-economic development of the country,” said Marten Pieters, managing director & CEO, Vodafone India.



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