Canada Invests C$1 bn in Satellite Technology to Enhance Earth Observation for Environmental Monitoring

In a significant move to bolster its environmental monitoring capabilities, Canada has announced a substantial investment of C$1.01 billion (approximately $740.90 million) over the next 15 years in satellite technology. The initiative, named Radarsat+, aims to enhance earth observation data for tracking wildfires and addressing various environmental crises.
RadarsatThe Canadian Space Agency (CSA) unveiled the Radarsat+ program, set to compile comprehensive information about Earth’s oceans, land, climate, and populated regions. Leveraging data collected from advanced earth observation technologies, scientists can closely monitor changes on the planet and make informed decisions to manage emergencies such as wildfires and combat long-term challenges like climate change.

Canada has a history of satellite missions, having previously launched three under the Radarsat program – Radarsat-1, Radarsat-2, and the Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM). Radarsat-1 ceased operations in 2013, leaving Radarsat-2 and RCM in the hands of space technology company MDA and CSA, Reuters news report said.

The allocated investment will not only support the enhancement of existing technologies but also contribute to the development of a replacement for RCM. RCM comprises three smaller, more powerful satellites that provide daily coverage of Canada’s coastlines.

This substantial investment underscores Canada’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to protect its environment and populace from emerging threats, reaffirming its position on the global stage in advancing satellite technology and environmental sustainability.


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