Palisade Systems, a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution
provider, announced the launch of Palisade Software Development Kit (SDK) for
partners to deliver enhanced data security and policy enforcement for email,
web, social media, cloud and mobile markets.
Palisade SDK helps vendors in leveraging Palisade’s patented technology to
enhance their data security product offering by integrating content analysis
and data policy enforcement into their solution.
Spencer Snedecor, CEO of Palisade Systems said, “Each
day enterprises are finding their data and their very livelihood compromised by
data breaches.”
The Palisade SDK is a consolidation of tools that allows for
the integration of in-depth, proven content analysis technology into other
The SDK tools set allows to input, open, and extract text
from files; analyze content of files; determine if any content matches critical
sensitive data including PII, PFI, PHI, intellectual property, structured data,
and custom policies; and produce an output file indicating the content types
that were found, the number of matches, and the text that matched.
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