China Mobile has selected Rohde & Schwarz, a provider of wireless test and measurement solutions, to conduct the NB-IoT base station tests.
Chine Mobile has tested the base station’s RF performance mainly focusing on transmission power, spectrum analysis, group timing and delay, and coverage capability. This apart, China Mobile will add performance tests including fading scenarios, with one box solution of the fading capabilities of the R&S SMW200A vector signal generator.
Rohde & Schwarz is the first wireless test and measurement solutions provider to offer base station testing solution for generation and analysis of NB-IoT signals. The solution consists of R&S SMW200A vector signal generator.
Leading manufacturers of mobile network infrastructure have already used the R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyser for base station tests.
The NB-IoT signal analysis is performed by the R&S VSE vector signal explorer software option which is available soon. Users will be able to upgrade to NB-IoT capability to support NB-IoT eco system success.
For IoT applications such as smart metering or tracking, low power wide area networks (LPWAN) are needed. Current technologies rely on 2G and 3G. The new 3GPP standard NB-IoT is based on 4G technology. NB-IoT fulfills the needs for cellular IoT networks such as wide coverage, improved reception indoors, very low power consumption, low device cost and support of massive numbers of devices.
Rohde & Schwarz is ready for Bluetooth 5
Meanwhile, Rohde & Schwarz has expanded range of its R&S CMW wideband radio communication testers to cover Bluetooth Release 5. R&S CMW software includes RF tests needed for development and production, including the new test cases for Bluetooth SIG precertification.
Bluetooth 5, which features low-energy, is targeting Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The new specification permits transmission speeds of 1 Mbit/s and 2 Mbit/s. The optional stable modulation index has been integrated into the Rohde & Schwarz test software.
The R&S CMW-KM721 software option is used to measure power, modulation and adjacent channel power (ACP) on the transmitter. With the R&S CMW-KS721 software option, receiver measurements can be performed to determine the packet error rate and receiver sensitivity.
The German testing company said R&S CMWrun automation software is available for running RF tests in remote control mode, allowing R&S CMW testers to perform all new test cases at extremely high speed.
The company claims that R&S CMW testers are the only products on the market that deliver RF tests on Bluetooth and cellular radio signals such as LTE-A, WCDMA, GSM and CDMA2000, as well as non-cellular radio signals such as WLAN, ZigBee and GNSS, using a single instrument.
The new R&S CMW-KM721 and R&S CMW-KS721 Bluetooth options are now available for all models of the R&S CMW platform. Customers who already own an R&S CMW can activate the options by means of license keys.