Telecom Lead Asia: The global customer experience monitoring market earned revenues of over $865.1 million in 2011 and estimates this to reach $2.54 billion in 2018.
Frost & Sullivan says the need to assess the quality of communication services from an end-user’s perspective has presented the global customer experience (CE) monitoring market with immense growth opportunities.
To understand the impact of broadband data proliferation and consumer desire to do everything on-the-go with network efficiency and quality of experience (QoE), service providers world-wide are turning to CE monitoring systems.
The trend towards increased mobility places a tremendous strain on networks, often causing congestion and leading to a negative end-user experience.
“The link between customer churn and QoE has been clearly established, which is why CE monitoring solutions have become a necessity,” said Frost & Sullivan Program Manager Olga Yashkova. “With new high-capacity radio frequency access technologies gaining ground, such as long-term evolution (LTE) and LTE advanced, there is a real need to understand customer experience with networks and services.”
Fixed-mobile convergence, as along with the deployment of Internet protocol (IP) technologies through both legacy and wireless systems, has further added complexity to networks. In addition, the increased number of applications requiring higher bandwidth is compelling operators to invest in faster transmission links. CE monitoring will enable service providers to better comprehend the impact of these new services on existing networks and users.
While CE monitoring vendors are capable of providing a vast amount of data; the challenge lies in the ability to offer meaningful information that will benefit operators.
Frost & Sullivan suggests that vendors need to build cost-effective systems with high performance and scalability. Advanced solutions that can collect relevant information and provide applicable metrics will help boost adoption.
As end users become more cost-conscious, the market will see a shift towards software-based probes and software-as-a-service (SaaS) monitoring solutions.