Tektronix releases SignalVu 5G NR analysis software for oscilloscopes

Tektronix released its SignalVu 5G NR analysis software for 6 Series B MSO oscilloscopes eliminating the spending on vector signal analyzers.
Tektronix Oscilloscopes for 5GEngineers can now perform critical 5G NR measurements per 3GPP specifications on the oscilloscopes they rely on to bring-up and characterize new electronic designs.

RF system designers prefer 6 Series B MSO oscilloscopes for viewing power rails, digital control buses and I/O signals, in addition to RF signals.

Each channel is backed by a digital downconverter that enables spectrum analysis synchronized with time-domain waveforms. This provides engineers with a time-coherent view of the choreography of signals that make up their designs.

5G system designers can add 5G NR signal analysis to Tektronix oscilloscopes to diagnose faulty signal interactions on a single oscilloscope that would otherwise require painstaking correlation between multiple instruments.

The 6 Series B MSO offers the wide capture bandwidth and low intrinsic noise needed for 5G signal analysis. Offering this performance on oscilloscopes reduces the need for costly dedicated vector signal analyzers.

“With the integration of 5G NR, users have system visibility in a single instrument enabling them to debug even the most complex of designs, aligning with future specifications,” said Chris Witt, VP and GM of Portfolio Solutions at Tektronix.

The analysis package enables pass/fail testing of the 5G NR physical layer to qualify transmitter designs per the 5G NR standard established under the 3GPP release of 15/16 test specifications. It includes signal quality measurements such as Error Vector Magnitude (EVM), Adjacent Channel Power (ACP), Spectral Emission Mask (SEM), and Power Versus Time (PVT).

The 5G NR PHY-layer solution based on the Tektronix 6 Series B MSO offers significant advantages over traditional signal analyzers with wide signal analysis up to 2 GHz and low instrument noise for accurate EVM measurements

The 5GNR analysis option is also available on the DPO70000SX which offers up to 70 GHz bandwidth for high frequency systems, such as FR2. The 5GNR option is also available for the Tektronix RSA500 and RSA5000 Series for engineers using real-time signal analyzers. The software operates identically on oscilloscopes and signal analyzers, eliminating the need to learn a new toolset.

The SignalVu 5GNR Signal Analysis option is available for 6 Series B MSO oscilloscopes, DPO70000SX oscilloscopes, and RSA500 and RSA5000 signal analyzers.


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