Spirent introduces integrated OpenFlow benchmark test solution

Telecom Lead America: Spirent Communications has
launched Spirent TestCenter OpenFlow, which the company claims to be the
industry’s first solution to offer protocol emulation along with the ability to
benchmark flow scalability and forwarding performance of High Speed Ethernet
(HSE) OpenFlow network devices.


The company said that the solution delivers the required
empirical data to determine if OpenFlow network devices and Software Defined
Networking (SDN) applications can deliver the business benefits without
degrading the user experience.


The OpenFlow paradigm separates the control plane and
data plane, which present interoperability, scalability and performance
challenges for traditional networking hardware. Spirent TestCenter OpenFlow,
along with the Spirent HyperMetrics HSE test modules, deliver in-depth flow
analysis, debugging and protocol emulation capabilities that help test the
functionality and interoperability of OpenFlow devices with SDN applications,”
said Jurrie van den Breekel, director of product marketing at Spirent


For a traditional network to evolve to SDN, OpenFlow
needs to demonstrate interoperability with existing Ethernet network protocols
in hybrid environments.


The company said that its TestCenter OpenFlow controller
emulation is able to stress-test OpenFlow network devices, giving network
managers an insight into the number of flows with corresponding data throughput
and latency levels.


Furthermore, the controller measures performance,
availability, security and scalability of OpenFlow network devices and end-to-end
SDN application scale by defining millions of flows and exercising them with
traffic patterns and behavior.


Spirent adds mobile application performance monitoring to
Spirent TestCenter Live


Recently, Spirent Communications added a new mobile
application performance monitoring capability to its Spirent TestCenter
Live next-generation service assurance solution.


The new capability allows monitoring applications
performance, from the mobile devices on the Radio Access Network (RAN) through
the mobile backhaul into the application server/gateway in the mobile packet
core. This allows operators to actively monitor availability and performance metrics
including download speeds of web pages, on-line gaming, VoIP, SMS and other





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