Telecom Lead America: Qualcomm said its focus for emerging markets including India and China include developing strong eco-system, bringing out low cost chipsets, unveiling Qualcomm Reference Designs suitable for these markets.
Qualcomm Reference Designs have been utilized by several mobile phone makers to customize and roll out their own products.
The chip company is betting big on emerging markets such as India, China, Africa and Latin America.
“China continues to be a big market for us. Africa is one of the new markets and important market for us. We have offices in Africa to support our customers. South East Asia, Latin America, Africa are our focus areas,” said Steve Mollenkopf, president & chief operating officer, Qualcomm.
“We are seeing low cost handsets and future phones. There is penetration of Internet. We are investing heavily in chipsets for strengthening our channels,” Mollenkopf added.
The chip major has different strategies for developed and developing mobile markets. “As part of our emerging market focus, we will be investing more in emerging markets. We have been in India for the past 10+ years. We learnt lot on CDMA from India. We competed with GSM players there and brought down the CDMA chip prices. We are also investing in China and Latin America,” Mollenkopf added.
On Wednesday, Qualcomm CMO Anand Chandrasekher said it is focusing more on enhancing its execution capabilities.
At present, its products and solutions can be deployed for commercial purposes in around 60 days from the date of discussing with its partners. “We focus on this issue aggressively. We are trying to reduce the delivery time to less than 60 days. It is in our control,” said Qualcomm CMO Anand Chandrasekher.
According to Chandrasekher, the U.S.-based chip company has three major challenges: First, competition; Second, economy issues and third execution capability.
Qualcomm’s fourth quarter fiscal 2012 was $4.87 billion, up 18 percent year-over-year. Operating income decreased 11 percent sequentially to $1.24 billion. Net income grew 20 percent y-o-y to $1.27 billion.