Apple app store and Android market lose 2% market share to newcomers

Telecom Lead India: Apple app store and Android market
have lost two percent available app market share to newcomers in Q1 2012.


Strategy Analytics said China will fuel app surge and the
paradigm continues today. Having a large library of quality apps is essential.
It assures users that their purchases will meet their needs.


Apple app store reaches 25 billion downloads in less than 4


Recently, Apple announced that users of more than 315
million iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices have downloaded more than 25
billion apps from App Store. The 25 billionth user is from China. Apple app
store was launched less than four years ago.


The Strategy Analytics report said Apple looks to hold
the number one position versus Google while Amazon hopes to maintain its lead
over Barnes and Noble in the e-reader space. Microsoft looks to unseat Research
in Motion as the third ecosystem of choice.


Despite a blockbuster first quarter at the end of 2011 in
which the Kindle Fire added more than 15,000 apps, the Fire’s growth has slowed
considerably, with just more than 6,000 apps added this quarter. As Amazon eyes
international expansion, its decision to experiment with in-app payments will
play a critical role for developers next quarter.


While developers know that they must support iOS and
Android, they are beginning to make decisions about which other platforms
deserve their support. Windows Phone and BlackBerry continue to battle for
third position. Windows is beginning to edge out BlackBerry in new apps added
and total library size. With Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 looming, the war
is just beginning,” said Josh Martin, director of Apps Research for Strategy


Google Android market is top app store for developers


Google’s Android Market is the most used app store
amongst commercial developers with 47 percent of commercial developers having
some experience with the store compared to 43 percent who have used Apple’s App
Store, according to Evans Data’s new Application Distribution survey of over
400 commercial developers.


In addition, Android Market edged out Apple’s App Store
as the store more developers thought would be dominant in two years. However,
developers selling apps through BlackBerry App World made significantly more
money than developers using either Google’s or Apple’s stores.


Apple to dominate apps, earning more than 53% paid app download
revenue in 2012

The average selling price of paid downloads is declining
across every major platform, as competition heats up and devices move into
emerging markets.



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