Telecom Lead India: Polaris Wireless, which provides
high-accuracy, software-based wireless location solutions, announced the
completion of field trials with a major Indian wireless network operator,
proving compliance with India’s Department Of Telecommunications (DoT) May 2011
mandate for location-based systems.
The DoT mandate specifies accuracy levels of 30 to 95
percent within two years of adoption for a range of 50 to 300 meters in urban
areas; and in suburban and rural areas, the mandate specifies accuracy levels
of 50 to 80 percent within three years for a range of 100 to 500 meters. For
remote areas, the mandate specifies accuracy levels of 50 to 70 percent within
three years for a range of 300 to 500 meters.
During the field trial conducted over a period of two
weeks, Polaris Wireless achieved accuracy levels of 67 to 100 percent in its
field trials in urban areas. In suburban and rural areas, Polaris Wireless
achieved accuracy levels of 88 to 99 percent. Further in remote areas, Polaris
Wireless achieved accuracy levels of 87 to 99 percent.
Polaris Wireless is the first location solutions
provider to exceed the DoT mandate in all categories, proving the attainability
of the mandate thresholds.
The trials were conducted in the North East telecom
circle of India, at Agartala. The trials demonstrated the effectiveness of
Polaris Wireless Location Signatures (Polaris WLSTM) in urban, suburban and rural
environments and remote areas. WLS is based on the 3GPP standardized RF Pattern
Matching (RFPM) approach. A previous trial with another major wireless network
operator in Bangalore exceeded the DoT requirements in urban and indoor
The field trials were conducted in partnership with
In our view, these trials are one of the most important
milestones since we announced our partnership with Polaris Wireless, a pioneer
in delivering high accuracy location solutions worldwide,” said Jagdish Mitra,
CEO, CanvasM. These trial results endorse the fact that we have an ability to
deliver and customize solutions, in a manner that will bring similar or even
better quality services, suitable to Indian Market as mandated by the