Telecom Lead India: Indian telecom regulator TRAI on
Wednesday said presently there is no need for a separate exit policy for all
types of licenses and the entry fee paid by the licensees will continue to be
nonrefundable as per their license terms and conditions.
According to TRAI, present conditions in various telecom
licenses with regard to surrender of licenses, whereby licensee can surrender
its license by giving a notice of at least 60 calendar days (30 calendar days
in case of ISP license) in advance shall continue to be applicable.
TRAI says no need for separate exit policy for telecom service
providers, entry fee will be non-refundable
TRAI will recommend to the Government that there is no
need for separate exit policy for telecom service providers and that the entry
fee paid by the licensees will continue to be non-refundable.
TRAI said that present conditions in various licences
with regard to surrender of licences, whereby licensee can surrender its
licence by giving a notice of at least 60 calendar days in advance, shall
continue to be applicable.
In fact, on the issue of refund of entry fee, several
stakeholders favored refund of entry fee on pro-rata basis subject to
fulfillment of license condition.
The TRAI recommendation is based on the comments received
from stakeholders and keeping in view the Supreme Court judgment of February 2,