6 common mistakes in the course development process

No matter how skilled you are as a course developer, you will likely make common mistakes while developing your course content.
course developer
This article will cover six of the most common mistakes developers make and advise on how to avoid them. By learning from these mistakes, you will embark on the path of creating informative and error-free content. Let’s get started!

  • Not testing your content before release.

One of the most important steps you can take when developing course content is to test it thoroughly before releasing it to learners. This means creating a mock version of your course that you can use to check for errors and inconsistencies in your teachings.

This process will also help you identify areas where you need to improve your explanation or presentation techniques. Once you have a working prototype, share it with other team members so that they can comment on its effectiveness and suggest improvements.

  • Not taking the time to develop a coherent and well-thought-out course.

A coherent course means ensuring that each section of your content flows logically from one another and that all the information you provide is relevant and valuable.

Furthermore, ensuring that your course layout is easy to navigate, free of clutter, and visually appealing is essential. In addition, be sure to create a summary or overview page at the beginning of your course, giving learners a quick snapshot of what they’ll learn during their journey through it.

  • Focusing exclusively on technical learning objectives.

While it’s important to include technical learning objectives in your course content, don’t neglect the importance of learner engagement. This means ensuring that you create engaging lessons that keep learners engaged and interested throughout their journey.

Additionally, you must provide feedback and reinforcement so learners can actively apply what they’ve learned in the real world. This will help them retain information more effectively and boost their confidence in using technology successfully.

  • Not taking advantage of digital resources.

When developing your course content, take advantage of digital tools such as iSpring Learn. These tools allow you to easily manage and store your course content and give users access to a wealth of valuable instructional materials.

Furthermore, these resources can be beneficial in providing learners with an overview of the topics covered in your course and reinforcing vital concepts they may have difficulty understanding on their own.

  • Not including learners’ feedback in course development.

One of the most important features you can include in your course is a mechanism for soliciting feedback from your learners. This allows you to monitor and improve the quality of your content over time and gauge learner engagement levels.

Furthermore, incorporating this type of feedback into your overall course design will help to ensure that each lesson is highly engaging and relevant. This will lead to higher retention rates among students who complete your courses.

  • Failing to give learners a meaningful incentive to continue learning.

Another essential feature you should include in your courses is an incentive system. This can help keep learners engaged throughout their journey and help them learn the material more quickly and efficiently.

Some great incentives you could offer include monthly rewards, tutorial participation certificates, and course completion certificates. These will help motivate learners to stay on track and complete their courses successfully.


Testing your content and creating a coherent course development process that considers all the factors that can help you improve your conversion rates. As such, be sure to use all the above-listed mistakes in the future.

It is also crucial to involve learners’ feedback in course development so that you get their genuine feedback about what works for them and what doesn’t. Remember to keep testing content and putting more effort into making it engaging.


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