O2 Health unveils mobile telecare service Help at Hand”””,News Apple announces iPhoto for iPad and iPhone and major updates to iMovie and GarageBand,Tablets NFC-powered mobile commerce market to touch $74 billion transactions by 2015,VAS European cable operator ZON enhances data links by 30% leveraging DiViNetworks,Tower Russian telecom operator MTS and Acision launch mobile messaging service,VAS Forthcoming 2G spectrum auction will become more complex for Indian telecom industry,Service Provider Telecom operator Zain Group selects NeuString OptiPrizer software to improve roaming services,Service Provider Meru Networks and Wavelink to expand team to address Australian enterprises market,Infrastructure Polaris Wireless Appoints Per Enge as chief technical advisor to CEO,Tower Cambium Networks signs supply agreement with Motorola Solutions,Tower Smartphone accessory market to grow to $20 billion in 2012,Mobile Network security appliance and software market grew 8% in Q4 2011 to $1.58 billion,VAS Telecom operator Airtel launches unlimited overseas data roaming plan in Asia Pacific,Service Provider Huawei exhibits wireless modules and solutions range at CeBIT 2012,Tower Ericsson to cut North American workforce,News Cisco


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