Swisscom reveals action plan to reduce energy consumption

Telecom operator Swisscom has revealed its action plan to reduce energy consumption for its mobile network operations in Switzerland.
Swisscom energy measuresAccording to the World Finance Sustainability Awards 2022, Swisscom is also the most sustainable telecommunications company in the world.

Swisscom has increased its energy efficiency by 45 percent in the past six years alone, preventing 90 GWh of additional energy consumption.

Swisscom is joining the Energy Saving Alliance of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) in order to avert the impending energy crisis this coming winter.

Swisscom plans to implement measures at its office buildings and Shops, in particular. By November, for example, Swisscom will gradually reduce indoor and outdoor lighting as far as possible in the evening hours and at night in all Shops and office buildings.

Swisscom will lower the room temperature in all buildings to a maximum of 20C and educate employees and customers on simple and efficient energy-saving measures. Additional measures are under consideration, including a temporary closure of office locations or energy-saving adjustments to the network and IT infrastructure.

Swisscom is in talks with the authorities to determine whether and in what form it can support electricity generation in winter with its emergency power generators.

Swisscom has been operating its entire network using completely renewable solar, wind and hydro power for more than ten years. The company now produces around 3 GWh of electricity with its 87 photovoltaic systems, which is equivalent to the electricity consumption of around 800 Swiss households.

In addition, innovative cooling concepts using rainwater and air circulation ensure the energy-efficient operation of Swisscom’s data centres. Thanks to a district heating network, the waste heat from these data centres also helps to heat the living rooms of many Swiss households.


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